Thursday, December 1, 2011


MEMANG rase lega! sbab aku dah merdeka! SPM dah tamat bagi aku! so... bulan ni aku takde ape2 plan pon... nak carik keje tunggu dulu la.! aku rasa enjoy jer for this month!

well todays paper is Perdagangan and Seni, Perdagangan macam haram susah gile.... aku tak tau PD memang susah la bagi aku.! aku taknak gagal... AKU BERDOA HARAP2 aku lulus PD. well PD ke Science ke... Semua tu dah end to me, malas nak ingat semua tu! YEA!

mase balik exam tu aku tunggu member aku Aaron time tu dah nak hujan dah... Aaron Lee adalah member baik aku la ( kawan paling rapat gile la macam adik dan abg ) , tak sangka arini dah habis exam dtg epic feeling plak! mase balik tu tetibe hujan punye lebat aku ingat sempat pecut, rupenye2 habis basah luncun kitorang... memang menjerit gile2 la cakap FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sampai semua orang pandang, time tu memang aku takde rasa malu. haha.. Aaron tros menjerit cakap FUCK!!!!!!! IT'S FUCKING RAINING MAN SPEED UP MAN!!!!!! aku diam jer time tu. ( tetibe )... pastu aku cakap MOTOR AKU SLOW LA!!! HAHA... Aaron just say NO!! hah...

Haish... memang epic la, Sekolah Menengah Taman Seraya.... and Sekolah Menengah Pandan Mewah.... RING!! RING!!!! SEKOLAH TELAH BERAKHIR!!! SEMUA BERSURAI!!!

"air mataku mengalir secara tiba2"

Monday, November 21, 2011


Fush! Thank god my exam is not that "wow hard!"

and I can't believe this year is my final year of school I'm sure I gonna miss my cool teacher! and yea I'm almost FREE now!!! haha YEAH!!!!

3 papers left for me, Science, Perdagangan and Seni! hehe! :D

after SPM JAMMING!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


korang dengar la ENJOY! :D

Kitorang tubuhkan band faded memories ni dah brape bulan ntah lupe lak aq haha this is our third song...... first song and second song nanti aq upload...

Guitarist : Aaron ( but in this video aq yang main die takdek )
Bassist : me!
Vocalist : Amirul!
Drummer : ( coming soon! )

Haish ( malay with english speaking )

Tak sangka plak mase ari rabu tu ari last aq bertemu ngan cikgu2 aq.... and then yg paling mengejutkan ialah time aq mengalir air mata depan cikgu Noraini... I hope she doesn't notice about that hehe... well... I think this is it... SPM start this monday and I'll do my best to get an A for SPM!

Teacher.... Thank you for teaching us.. I LOVE MY TEACHER!!! err... yea!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

16 days left

Holy shit, beautiful, just beautiful... SPM is getting near and I'm ready for this hua hua hua... well, SPM is my final exam ( ultimate exam that is, oh yea) and it's very meaningful for me. I just hope I got an A for SPM and i don't care how many A's I got.. I want at least three A's and 5 credits.

oh well Good luck for me ura!!! :D

( wooo!! wooo!!! wooo! woo!! T^T )

Thursday, February 17, 2011

well alrighty!!

i dunno what to said.. but i've learn new skills... play guitar and drum.. ok that's it... bye... bzzz...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's like unbelievable!

Oh my... I can't believe it's November already =O time is too fast....

start this month to December is school holiday... got nothing to do except facebook and gaming. haha damn it's boring like hell!